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Text-to-Donate (Mobile Donation, Mobile Giving)

Calgary Women's Emergency Shelter Saves thousands of dollars and time by using the Long Code Text-to-Donate Strategy. With MODISclub's Mobile Donation Platform, the non profit group runs a full suite of mobile solutions and campaigns in just a few days.

Challenge: Every Moment Counts

The Calgary Women's Emergency Shelter's mission is to support individuals and families in their efforts to live free from family violence and abuse. So, community and safety are core to the Shelter's brand. To sustain those standards, the Shelter depends mainly on private donations throughout the year.

For the Shelter, being able to capture and convert every donor's moments of generosity is critical. So, having a donation system available 24/7, 7 days a week, at the donor's finger tips can make a difference in the charity's annual fundraising performance. The Shelter would also greatly benefit from having a go-to database they could reach out to at the time of need. Over the years, technology has changed rapidly and to keep up with media trends, the non profit group needed to consider mobile as part of their integrated long term solution.

Privacy and security were also two main concerns in the project due to the nature of their business.

Solution: Skip the Middle Man

MODISclub's access to an array of SMS numbers (Short Code, Long Code and Toll-Free Code) provided the Calgary Women's Emergency Shelter a channel to conduct their Mobile Giving Campaign privately and securely. The registered dedicated SMS number gave the charity a separate donation and communication line to avoid interrupting its day-to-day business.

All mobile donations would come through the registered SMS number directly into the Shelter's fundraising account without any delay or hold on the funds by the carriers. The steps for the Text-to-Donate campaign was kept very simple.

At anytime and place when prompted by a call-to-action, donors could just text a specified Keyword to donate any amount. Within seconds of sending the Keyword, donors would receive an automated confirmation message with a link to the credit card payment processing page on their phone's online browser.

Once the donation payment processing was completed, the donation would instantly appear on the Shelter's fundraising account (eg. Canada Help, PayPal, etc.). As importantly, the donors would also be added to the Shelter's database for further relationship marketing.

Through MODISclub's two-way SMS platform, the Shelter could periodically engage the opt-in donors by texting out invites, links, updates, and reminders about their fundraising progress, maintaining the supporters' loyalty and interest.

Additionally, the Shelter could also used the system's unlimited SMS Keywords feature to setup unique Keywords (eg. TAKEASTAND, ENDABUSE) for various fundraising events' promotional materials and general advertising spots to target and track audiences' response as well as behaviour.

Results: Leading the Non Profit World

MODISclub's mobile donation platform was obvious for the Shelter: it's easy to setup, easy to interact with and easy to manage. It is also helping the Shelter's long term marketing strategy by tracking the effectiveness of their ad spendings—where and what ads are getting conversions.

As the Shelter's mobile traffic increases by 10 to 20% annually, MODISclub continues to support the Shelter by sharing more industry ideas and by helping the Shelter focus on community and safety, using the latest mobile and SMS technologies.

Our next task is to figure out how we can use mobile and SMS to enhance the Shelter's internal operations and external communications.

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